Exchange – Display/Export Users Mailbox Folder Sizes

KB ID 0000860 


A client asked this morning if there was a way he could see each users mailbox size, this is pretty simple to do see here. But he wanted to see each individual folder, and see a breakdown on the sizes of these folders.


Display Folder Sizes For an Individual User

From the Exchange Management Shell, execute the following command;

[box] Get-MailboxFolderStatistics pete | Select Identity,Name,FolderSize,ItemsinFolder | Export-Csv C:Petes_Folder_Size.csv[/box]

This will export to a CSV file in the location specified above.

Display Folder Sizes For All Users

From the Exchange Management Shell, execute the following command;

[box]Get-MailboxDatabase | Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-MailboxFolderStatistics | Select Identity,Name,FolderSize,ItemsinFolder | Export-Csv C:Users_Folder_Size.csv[/box]

Note: If you have less than 1000 mailboxes, you don’t need to add the ‘-ResultSize Unlimited’ switch

This will export to a CSV file in the location specified above.

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