KB ID 0000660
After being unable to access my Exchange Management console, it turns out the default website had stopped. When I attempted to start it I was greeted with this error.
1. Nothing was using the usual web ports (80 and 443) which I found out by running the following two commands;
[box]netstat -aon | find “:80″</p> <p>netstat -aon | find “:443″[/box]
Note: If you do have a process using these ports, it will be sown with its PID. To find out what that PID is, right click your Task bar > Launch Task Manager > Processes Tab > View > Select Columns > Turn on the PID column > locate the PID and investigate.
2. My problem was there was a ‘Binding’ to https that had no information in it? Right click the website > Edit Bindings > here you can remove any spurious entries. (Warning: if you’re unsure, document any binding before you remove it – just in case).
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