KB ID 0000619
I needed to get a list of installed programs from a server I was having problems with, so I could compare the results with another server. Note: This will work on Windows client OS’s as well.
1. On the machine in question launch a command window.
2. To display all the installed programs execute the following two commands;
product get name,version
3. To export all the installed programs to a text file (c:ProgramList.txt) execute the following two commands;
/output:c:ProgramList.txt product get name,version
4. Here’s the sort of information you can get.
5. To export all the installed updates to a text file (c:UpdateList.txt) execute the following two commands;
/output:C:UpdatelList.txt QFE get
Note: You can get a list of updates by running the ‘systeminfo’ command but this gives you much more information.
6. Here’s the sort of information you can get.
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