KB ID 0000577
I had a nice clean install on a greenfield site today, Exchange 2010 Standard c/w SP1 on Server 2008 R2, so I was not happy when this happened!
The following error was generated when “$error.Clear();
if ($RoleStartTransportService)
start-SetupService -ServiceName MSExchangeTransport
” was run: “Service ‘MSExchangeTransport’ failed to reach status ‘Running’ on this server.”.
Service ‘MSExchangeTransport’ failed to reach status ‘Running’ on this server.
A quick google on this error, turned up loads of posts that said, “This is because you’ve disabled (Unticked) IPv6 on the properties of the nerwork card”, like so;
However as you can see, mine had NOT BEEN DISABLED
Every post and answer that had been accepted said either, retick this box, or manually start the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, this also failed. Turns out the problem WAS related to IPv6, This server was multi homed (I don’t know if that’s relavant).
What Fixed it for me:
1. On the Exchange server, Start >In the Search/Run box type regedit {Enter}.
2. Navigate to:
Create a new 32 BIT DWORD value called “DisabledComponents”, and set its value to 0xffffffff (Hexadecimal) or 4294967295 (Decimal).
3. Finally locate the server’s hosts file (C:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts) and make sure if there is an IPv6 entry for ::1 it has been commented out (i.e. the line has a hash symbol at the start of it).
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