iPhone / iPad – Using the Cisco AnyConnect Client

KB ID 0000474 


You have an Apple device and you would like to create a remote VPN connection to a Cisco device running AnyConnect.

Note: This is not a walkthrough on how to configure AnyConnect, for that go here.

Be aware that in addition to your SSL VPN licences your Cisco ASA device also needs a “AnyConnect Mobile – ASA 5510” license. If not you will receive this error.


1. Firstly you need to download and install the Cisco AnyConnect client from iTunes.

download apple anyconnect

2. Once installed launch the AnyConnect client software.

AnyConnect iPhone

3. As this is the first time we have launched it we need to configure a connection, select “Add VPN Connection”.

AnyConnect iPhone config

4. Give the connection a name, and enter either public IP of your Cisco Device (Or its public name) > Save.

AnyConnect iPhone add

5. Slide the button from Off to On.

AnyConnect iPhone Connect

6. If you are using a “Self signed” certificate on the Cisco device you will see this warning, simply click continue.

AnyConnect iPhone Certificate

7. Depending on how your authentication is setup, supply your username and password > Connect.

AnyConnect iPhone Authentication

8. All being well, the client should say connected. (If you get a licensing error see here).

AnyConnect iPad

9. You are now connected to your corporate network, all the while you are connected you will see the VPN icon at the top of the screen.

AnyConnect iPad connected


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Android – Using the Cisco AnyConnect Client

Cisco AnyConnect Error (Apple)

Apple iPhone / iPad – Enable Cookies



Author: Migrated

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