Exchange – Export Distribution Groups AND Members to a file

KB ID 0000209 


Yes you can use the Powershell commands,

Get-DistributionGroupMember –identity “group name” | ft name, primarysmtpaddress

But you have to do that for every group and I’ve tried Piping the Get-DistributionGroup in there but it does not seem to want to work 🙁


1. Download this script and extract it to the root of the Exchange servers C: drive.

2. On the Exchange server > Click > Start > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 > Exchange Management Shell.

3. Issue the following command cd “c:” {enter}

Change Directory

4. Issue the following command ./all_members.ps1 {enter}

Run Powershell Script

5. On the Exchange Server navigate to C:Exchange_Groups.csv (open with Microsoft Excel).

Export Users to csv

Possible problem;

Powershell Scrpt signing Policy

Change scipt execution policy with a set execution command.

Depending on your script signing policy, you might see.

Signing Policy

File {path} cannot be loaded the file {path} is not digitally signed. The script will not execute on the system. Please see “get-help about_signing” for more details..

If you see this enter the following,

Get-ExecutionPolicy {enter}

It will say Restricted, Remote Signed or All Signed “Take Note”

Issue the following command

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted {enter}

Then run the all_member script, when finished change it back with

Set-ExecutionPolicy {what it was earlier}{enter}


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

All Credit to Jon-Alfred Smith – Who put the script here

Author: Migrated

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