Windows – Problem Steps Recorder

KB ID 0000206 Dtd 16/03/10


Sometimes, (particularly if it’s a complex problem), getting someone to explain to you, what causes a problem, or what they have done to try and fix it, getting the information can be a painful process. Thankfully with Windows there is now a mechanism for them to record the steps they have taken, and present them to you in an easy to understand format.


1. On the problem Windows 7 machine, Click Start > Type in > psr {enter}

2. The “Problem Steps Recorder” window will open, you need to press “Start Record”.

3. All the time its recording the words “Recording Now” will flash at the top of the window, while its running it’s recording every “Mouse Click”. For every click it will take a screen shot. You can pause / resume recording at any time.

4. If you want to emphasise or draw attention to anything, use the “Add Comment” Button, then click and drag to select the area of concern, Below type in any comments or questions in the “Highlight Problem and Comment” box > Click OK.

5. When finished simply click “Stop Record”, You will be asked to save the data (It will save as a .ZIP File). Put it somewhere you will be able to find.

6. You can now send the .ZIP file to the person who is trying to help you, the screen shots are saved as a web page so they don’t need to be running Windows 7 to open them.

7. When opened each step is shown and commented.

Note: Be aware the system will only take 25 screen shots by default, if you need to take more, go to settings > Change the amount > OK.


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