How to Tell if Windows is 32 or 64 bit

KB ID 0000153


If you want to know what version (x64 or x86) of Windows you are running, then this is the simplest way to find out.


Under accessories run system information;

Under System Type: If it says x86 then it’s 32 bit.

However if it says x64 then it’s 64 bit.

Windows XP and Server 2003

1. Click Start > Run > sysdm.cpl {enter} > General Tab.

Windows XP x32 (x86) and Windows XP x64

Windows Server 2003 x32 (x86) and Windows Server 2003 x64

Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Server 2008

1. Start > Control Panel > System.

Windows Vista and Windows 7

Windows Server 2008


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