VMware – Cannot Cut, Copy, or Paste to VM’s

KB ID 0000515


Ever since ESX 4.1 this feature has been disabled and you have been unable to paste to VM, VMware say in their own documentation:

Source (Page 215 – ESX Configuration Guide ESX 4.1 vCenter Server 4.1).

To turn this feature back ON you have a few choices.

Please be aware: We are talking about copy and pasting TEXT to and from a guest VM NOT files and folders.


ESX Option 1 (Enable Copy and Paste to VM an individual Guest machine)

Using vSphere 8 or Above

Firstly, you need to shut the virtual machine down > Right Click it > Edit Settings >  Advanced > Add the following TWO attributes and values.

Add in the following two;
Attribute: isolation.tools.copy.disable, Value: false
Attribute: isolation.tools.paste.disable, Value: false

Click OK >  Power the VM back on.

Using HML5 Web Client (Enable Copy and Paste to VM)

Firstly, you need to shut the virtual machine down > Right Click it > Edit Settings > VM Options > Advanced  > Scroll down.


Edit configuration > Add configuration params;

Add in the following two parameters then click OK

Name: isolation.tools.copy.disable, Value: false
Name: isolation.tools.paste.disable, Value: false

Using Flash Web Client.

Firstly, you need to shut the virtual machine down > Right Click it > Edit Settings > VMware Option Tab > Advanced > Edit configuration > Add in the following;

Name: isolation.tools.copy.disable, Value: false
Name: isolation.tools.paste.disable, Value: false


OK > OK > Power on VM

Using VMware Client (Enable Copy and Paste to VM)

1. Firstly, you need to shut the virtual machine down > Right Click it > Edit Settings > Option Tab > Advanced > General > Configuration Parameters.

2. Select “Add Row” and add the following two options:


isolation.tools.paste.disable [/box]

Set both these values to FALSE > OK > OK > Power the VM back on again.

Note: Even without these values set, if a VM is vMotioned to an ESX host that has the copy.paste options set in it’s config file (see below) then these features are automatically enabled.

Option 2 (Enable Copy and Paste to VM on an individual Guest machine)

1. You can also achieve the same as above by directly editing the .vmx file for the virtual machine, Add the following two values as shown below:


isolation.tools.paste.disable=”FALSE” [/box]

Note: Even without these values set, if a VM is vMotioned to an ESX host that has the copy.paste options set in it’s config file (see below) then these features are automatically enabled.

Option 3 (Enable Copy and Paste on the ESX host for all the VM’s on that host)

Note: This procedure will be removed/reset after an ESX upgrade. (You will need to carry out this procedure again post upgrade).

1. Connect to your ESX server, either directly on the console, or via SSH. and execute the following command:

[box]vi /etc/vmware/config[/box]


2. Press i to insert text and paste in the following two lines:


isolation.tools.paste.disable=”FALSE” [/box]

Press Escape > then type :wq to save the changes.

Additional Steps for Linux / Ubuntu to allow Copy and Paste to VM

1. Assuming you have the VMware tools installed in your Linux guest VM, if not execute the following command:

[box]sudo apt-get install open-vm-toolbox[/box]

To enable copy paste on the guest execute the following command:

[box]vmware-toolbox &[/box]

One the VMware tools properties page pops up you will be able to copy and paste.

Enabling Copy and Paste in VMware Workstation

Out of the box, this functionality is switched on. However if you lose it then open the virtual machines settings > Options tab > Guest Isolation > Enable the Copy and paste option.

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Windows Disks ‘CanPool’ set False?

KB ID 0001560


While attempting to create some Storage Spaces in Server 2016 today, I presented a bunch of ‘new’ disks and some of them were flagged CanPool as false?

CanPool simply means the disk it available to be added to a storage pool, Id just removed all the arrays from these drives so I was confused?


Just because we’re on Powershell does not mean I can’t go old school! Launch Diskpart and list disk. You can see some of the drives (the ones I’m having trouble with have a partition on them, the asterisk in the GPT (GUID Partition Table) column gives that away? 

WARNING: I know the drives, (apart from the 100GB one,) SHOULD be blank, and I know I can erase them safely, MAKE SURE the disk(s) you are looking at are not in use, and do not have important data on them!

To clean/erase


select disk {x}
online disk
offline disk


If it tells you;

Diskpart has encountered an error: The media is wrote protected.
See the system event log for more information


attributes disk clear readonly
offline disk


Note: In some cases I’ve had to physically reboot the server, before all the disks were CanPool = True.

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Exchange – Event ID 25006

KB ID 0000910 


Freshly installed Exchange 2013 Server (was migrated from Exchange 2007) and it threw out this error.

Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchangeTransport
Event ID: 25006
Task Category: Configuration
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: PNL-Exchange.petenetlive.net
The path to the Queue Quota component log has not been set. Queue Quota component log will not be written.


1. A quick internet search told me to check what had been set with the following commands,


Get-TransportServer |
fl Queue*


Get-TransportService |
fl Queue*


2. Above we can see three things, Get-TransportServer is a command that is going to be depreciated, there is NOTHING set for the QueueQuotaLogPath, and QueueQuotaLogEnabled is set to true (it’s turned on). Even if we use the newer syntax (below) the result is the same.

3. OK, first I created a folder on the Exchange server and tried to manually set the log path. Then I tried to set QueueQuotaLogEnabled to ‘False’ to see if that cured the problem. It would not let me do either.

Some more searching led me to find that these properties can not be changed (at the moment anyway), as they are both flagged as ‘This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use’.

Table Reference

WlmLogPath Optional This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
QueueQuotaLogEnabled Optional This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
QueueQuotaLogMaxAge Optional This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
QueueQuotaLogMaxDirectorySize Optional This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
QueueQuotaLogMaxFileSize Optional This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.
QueueQuotaLogPath Optional This parameter is reserved for internal Microsoft use.

So, in typical Microsoft fashion, it looks like we will have to put up with this error, until they make those parameters editable. If that changes, send me an email (link below).

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