GIMP Default Text Tool Settings

GIMP Default Text Tool KB ID 0001868


I’ve mentioned before how much I like GIMP, I use it for all my graphics needs these days. And if you a regular visitor you will know I produce a lot of screenshots with/without text. To do that I use a font called ‘Avalon’. So it’s a pain when there’s been an update and the default font changes to something else. If you need to put lots of text on an image, and each time you need the set the font you can see why that would be annoying.

Solution: GIMP Default Text Tool

The correct way to fix this problem is first set the correct settings in the tool (font name and size for example). Then go to  Gimp-2.10 > Preferences > Tool Options > Tick (or place a cross in) ‘save tool options on exit‘ > Press the “save tool options now‘.

That should rectify the problem.

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Windows – Set Chrome as the Default Browser

KB ID 0000656 


Even though I had installed Chrome, and told Windows 8 to set it as the default browser, it had not.


1. Whilst within Windows 8 > Press Windows Key+Q > This brings up the Apps menu > In the search box type ‘default’ > Select ‘Default’ Programs.

2. Set your default programs.

3. Locate Google Chrome > Then click “Set this program as default”.

4. Now you can (if you wish) remove Internet explorer from the ‘Modern UI’. Right click the tile and select ‘Unpin from start’.

5. Now you can drag the Chrome tile over to replace it.

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