Cisco IOS – Return an Interface to Default (Remove all Settings)

KB ID 0001010


The configuration for a particular interface can get quite long, you could go to interface configuration mode, and prefix all the commands with a ‘no’. But this can be a bit repetitive and time consuming.

cisco switches


To remove the configuration for interfaces use the ‘default’ command. for example take a look at the following config for FastEthernet1/0/5.

Petes-Switch#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1854 bytes
<----------config removed for brevity---------->
interface FastEthernet1/0/5
switchport access vlan 999
switchport mode access
<----------config removed for brevity---------->

To remove the configuration for that port, use the following command.

Petes-Switch#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Petes-Switch(config)#default interface FastEthernet 1/0/5
Interface FastEthernet1/0/5 set to default configuration

To check it worked.

Petes-Switch#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1854 bytes
<----------config removed for brevity---------->
interface FastEthernet1/0/5
<----------config removed for brevity---------->

Reset / Remove the Configuration for Multiple Ports

You can combine selecting multiple Cisco device ports with the default command, to remove the configuration, and reset a ‘range’ of ports in one command.

Petes-Switch(config)#default interface range GigabitEthernet 0/3 - 6

How to Remove the Configuration for a Cisco ASA 5500 Port

To do the same on a Cisco ASA you need a different command, you use the ‘clear configure‘ command. Note: The interface naming used here is for an ASA8885-X the interfaces on your model may have a different naming standard, i.e. vlan1, ethernet1 etc.)

Petes-ASA(config)#clear configure interface GigabitEthernet0/1


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Author: Migrated

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